Integrated Otolaryngology and Anesthesia Simulation Model for Crisis Management of Cavernous Carotid Artery Injury

Author Details

Haley E Calcagno, Brandon Lucke-Wold, Michele Noles, Dawn Dillman, Timothy Smith, Mark Baskerville, Donn Spight, Jeremy N Ciporen

Journal Details


Published: 9 July 2018 | Article Type :


Simulation training is emerging as a cost-effective way to train residents on the skill sets necessary to excel as fully functioning physicians. Until recently, the simulated resident training environments have primarily focused on handling a medical crisis with learners from the same specialty. A dual otolaryngology and anesthesiology simulation was established to improve teamwork and communication skills between specialties. One otolaryngology resident was paired with one anesthesia resident per trial in our study. The multispecialty team addressed three clinical simulation scenarios to manage a cavernous carotid artery-bleeding crisis with an endoscopic endonasal approach. An independent reviewer evaluated each individual based on situation awareness, decision-making, communications and teamwork, as well as leadership. Residents improved on blood loss, pre and post anatomical exam scores, and communication measures through the course of the scenarios. Residents from both specialties rated the simulation highly and wanted further simulation training in the future. Multidisciplinary simulation training is a novel approach for improving communication skills between specialties prior to entering the wards, clinic, or operative arena. The lessons learned from this multidisciplinary simulation transcend the individual experience by allowing trainees to develop algorithms for crisis management and to improve on aspects of teamwork, leadership, and communication skills that can be applied throughout their careers.

Keywords: ENT Simulation, Anesthesia Simulation, Crisis Management, Teamwork, and Skill Development

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How to Cite


Haley E Calcagno, Brandon Lucke-Wold, Michele Noles, Dawn Dillman, Timothy Smith, Mark Baskerville, Donn Spight, Jeremy N Ciporen. (2018-07-09). "Integrated Otolaryngology and Anesthesia Simulation Model for Crisis Management of Cavernous Carotid Artery Injury." *Volume 1*, 1, 30-41